All the important links, repro news and guest bios from this month's episode
Neel Ganesan, Lab Manager at STgenetics, Victoria
With a master's degree specialising in Biotechnology and Microbiology, Neel joined STgenetics in 2010. Currently, he oversees all laboratory operations to produce high quality sexed semen from different species. Recently, Neel has generated increased uptake of fresh sexed semen in large and small ruminants in Australia by taking a customer centric approach and advancing various sexed semen systems.
Early Career Researcher Spotlight
Dr Clio Maicas
Clio completed a veterinary degree at The University of Zaragoza, Spain before undertaking a PhD in reproductive biology at University College Dublin, where her thesis focused on field fertility of sex sorted bull semen in Irish dairy herds. Clio currently works as a vet in Ireland, with a keen interest in applied reproduction and overall herd health.
Repro News
Upcoming conferences and abstract deadlines
Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics
2nd - 4th of November 2021, Adelaide, SA
Abstract submissions closed, registration open until 31st of October
European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction
11th - 16th of October 2021 (online only)
Abstract submissions closed, registration open
International Conference on Pig Reproduction
5th - 8th of June 2022, Ghent, Belgium
Abstract submissions due by 15th of December 2021
Upcoming training
MLA EDGEnetwork
Breeding EDGE workshop
Dates TBC (see events calendar on MLA website for upcoming workshops across Australia)
Upcoming awards and grants
National Herd Improvement Association of Australia Industry Awards
Young Person Achiever Award and Laurie Wells Award
Nominations required
Humboldt Research Fellowship
Ongoing Award (see website for upcoming due dates)
Paper of the month
Interested in including sexed semen in your next AI program?
Read on to find out the where, when and how...
Contact Total Livestock Genetics for small ruminant sexed semen processing and discuss options regarding agistment of sires on site or at another collection centre close to TLG site and the STgenetics laboratory
Ruth Barber Email: Phone: (03) 5593 2016
TLG will then contact STgenetics to confirm availability, customer requirements, semen production logistics and any other details
STgenetics will then liaise with the collection centre to prepare the sire in the best possible way to maximise semen collection for sexing
Contact STgenetics (Neel Ganesan) directly with regards to queries related to sexed semen requests
You should then expect to receive an invoice from TLG for sexed semen units and animal housing/collection costs (if animals are held at TLG facility)
Episode sponsored by
Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes a diverse portfolio of animal health medicines and vaccines designed to meet the real-world needs of veterinarians and the livestock farmers and companion animal owners they support